Access and use of the software provided on this server and other Nasser Lootah Real Estate LLC (“NLRE”) official servers constitutes your acceptance and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth herein. The software is the copyrighted work of NLRE. If the software is accompanied by a license agreement, installation or use of the software is contingent upon your prior acceptance of the terms specified in the license agreement.

Without limiting the foregoing, unauthorized copying, or reproduction of the software to another server or location for further reproduction or redistribution is strictly prohibited, unless such reproduction or redistribution is expressly permitted by the license agreement accompanying such software.

NLRE does not provide any warranties or guarantees regarding the software, unless expressly stated in the license agreement. NLRE disclaims all implied warranties and conditions, including but not limited to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement.

For your convenience, NLRE may offer tools and utilities on this service or within its software products. However, NLRE does not warrant the accuracy of the results or output derived from using such tools and utilities. It is your responsibility to respect the intellectual property rights of others when utilizing the provided tools and utilities.

In no event shall NLRE be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever resulting from the use or performance of the software, loss of use, data, or profits, whether in contract, negligence, or other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the software, services, or information available from this server.

By continuing to use the software, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.